Not My Night

This night was just really crappy for about 2 hours. I get on the bus from campus to Broomfield, and we're not even out of Boulder before the bus gets in an accident. A biker appeared in front of a car, which stopped, and the bus didn't stop as quickly. Luckily, no injuries. Alright, that isn't great, but I get off, grab some coffee across the street, and board the next bus to Broomfield. When I get back to the park-n-ride, I find that I've left my lights on all day. Again. So I go for my handy-dandy jumpstarter battery pak. No dice in the cold. Called the insurance's roadside assistance club. Handy, but the wait is 40 minutes. So I broke down and walked around the parking lot with jumper cables in hand, looking dejected. Eventually I found a kind soul who got me squared away. Guess I should take this as a sign that I should have stayed for Arabic study group tonight.


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