Sick Day and the Museum

Break started on Thursday night for me. I got home after a long day at transportation, and started getting sick to my stomach. Not like heartburn or Taco Bell Syndrome, but more like infection sick. Lots of time spent in the bathroom, and a short bout of vomiting. Friday I stayed home from classes and called in to work. I started feeling substantially better that afternoon. Some people may think it was rather convenient timing, but I can tell you there was nothing convenient about the pain in my bowels. Ashley was also not feeling well, but still went in to work. In her own words, she felt like she had been kicked in the stomach by a horse. Saturday I tried to take it easy again, but I was mostly feeling better.

Sunday Ashley and I were both free, so we decided to take a little date at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. It had been at least 5 years since either of us had payed a visit there, and I think we've both got enough geek in us to enjoy that sort of date. We watched a planetarium show about black holes and an IMAX movie about archaeological sites in Greece, which were both fun. We wondered around the different exhibits, through the wildlife displays and the Space Odyssey features. We wondered through the gem exhibit and saw the new acquisition, Diane's Pocket. It's one of the largest finds of aquamarine crystals in the world, recently discovered in Colorado. We creeped around the Prehistoric Journey and Egyptian Mummies exhibits. We even stopped by Engineer It!, even though it was obviously designed for much younger minds than our own. I really hope they have something similar when I eventually have children, because it was fantastic! All in all, it was a great trip.


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