Linux is a go

Guess what my peeps? I'm now coming to you from my recently wiped laptop, now installed with Fedora Core 6 and Windows XP side by side. At the moment, I'm using the linux side, and I'm even using my PCCard wireless card! That was a feat, let me tell you. It wasn't too bad once I figured out what the heck I was doing, but it still took way too much work. Now that it's working, however, I have a lot more control over the whole kit'n kaboodle. It's truly exciting for me!

The week at school was a blur. Yesterday I did a bunch of driving for Transportation, down to Commerce City and back, twice! We needed to pick up busses that had been repaired down there, so I got to be the cheauffer for the drivers. Tonight I'm trying my hand at an extra little thing, being a Bus Buddy. Basically, I'm just a babysitter for the wound-up students going out to party, and taking that responsibility off of the driver. Should be, uh, interesting. Wish me luck! (Not exactly what I had planned for my Friday night, but more lucrative.)


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