Getting Close

Yesterday I woke up early and drove through the frozen, slushy, snowy weather to the drill hall to participate in another funeral detail. The drive in took almost two hours, as opposed to the 35 minutes I can manage in good weather and traffic. We all got dressed, loaded up in the minivans, and drove down to Ft. Logan, the sergeants joking and arguing and looking to each other for advice. It started to snow harder as we got down there. As we arrived, we learned a couple of interesting facts. First, the veteran was a private in Vietnam. Having been only a private, he didn't qualify for a 21-gun salute, so the rifles and blank ammunition we had unlocked and transported were unnecessary. Also, the VA had provided an honor guard for the veteran, so our presence was welcome, but likewise unnecessary. I think it was still a good thing we came. Mr. Blair had no known family and no personal friends, and so the only other guests in attendance were the VA hospital caregivers that had known him. I thought it was a sad way to go, but the chaplain emphasized that at least he would have a better life to look forward to in heaven. The chaplain also made a beautiful analogy concerning the geese. If you've been to Ft. Logan (or probably most any other military cemetery), you know there are always geese everywhere because of the rolling lawns and inviting lakes. The chaplain said that the geese must be the Lord's trumpets, calling home the souls of the departed. He said it much better, and it was a vivid and moving statement. Even if it was cold as all get out, I'm glad we went to see off a fellow serviceman and a war hero.

School is back in full force, and I can't wait for it to be over. I haven't done as well as I should have, and I'm looking forward to a fresh semester and a fresh start. Still two weeks and then finals to go, so I can't give up yet!

And apparently my phone is on backorder and won't arrive for at least another week. So much for the 7 business days they promised. Don't you love the holidays?


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