Speeding Home

Well, the remainder of this week has been no less exciting than the first part. Saturday Ashley and I headed up to Los Alamos with the family for Los Alamos Days, a little town fair. The highlights were the dog rescue booth and the sudden monsoon of rain, during which we hid under the library's tent. That night we saw Talladega Nights with Zach, and that was pretty darn good.

So this morning, we woke up nice and early to get ready and say goodbye to the family. We were pretty much packed up, but waited on loading everything into the car. Jeannie had invited us to join her for chruch at the local Calvary Chapel, and so we met her there. The two of us having mostly Catholic church-going experience, this was quite a change, especially when the service started eating into the afternoon, a little bit longer than we had expected. But overall it was still a moment spent purely for God, and it was just as spiritually cleansing as mass.

So, after our late start, we were headed on down the road. Ashley and I made a copule of stops in Espanola for a Lotaburger and sunglasses, but after New Mexico Time factored in, we had spent a significant chunk of time. Everything was going well until San Luis, a little town on the Colorado border, when I saw a cop in the opposite lane flip a bitch behind me. The lights went on, and off to the curb we went. Can you believe that 79 in a 65 in the middle of nowhere is illegal? I ask you! Anyway, that motivated me to slow down a bit until I-25. As the sun started going down, we were just south of Colorado Springs, and Ashley started getting a tad sick. We tried stopping at a little park by a pond, but it was mosquito-infested, so we got to test out Jackie's lemongrass oil. Turns out, it works pretty well. Maybe not well enough for the thick swarms we hit, but effective nonetheless. After giving up on the park and the sunlight, we decided to rush to the Cave of the Winds to try and hit one of the last tours. We were just barely in time for the last tour of the day, and it was awesome! I felt a little rushed, but it was a very cool detour.

And now that we're back and safe in town, I'd just like to wish my sister Jeannie a happy 16th birthday! Love you, hermanita!


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