Shredding, Filing, and Serving My Country (plus some DnD goodness)

Well, the last couple of days has been mostly devoted to making up some of my Annual Training (AT) days. As a reservist, I need 14 days of AT, whether my unit decides to go anywhere or not. This year the 2-week block was cancelled, probably a lucky thing as it would have interfered with school. But now I'm stuck fending for myself, and for almost half I'm just hanging around with our full-time personnel NCO, SFC Reed, and her assistant, SGT Ontiveros. They've been having a hard time finding me busywork, so I've ended up shredding boxes full of papers, inventorying closets of UA supplies, and just generally trying to look busy. I've finally gotten the ball rolling on my comptuer account; for the past year and a half, I've had to have my supervisors log me on to do anything on their computers.

On a much more entertaining note, Tuesday night I got about 4 hours sleep due to playing DnD with Mike, his girlfriend, and a few other people I remember from BHS. I joined in the party's existing campaign in a mountain temple to the four elements, and my new character is developing into a very A.D.D., slightly pyromaniacal sorceror. Setting that huge pile of bodies on fire seemed like such a good, fun thing to do, and the sensible cleric even deemed it honorable to the dead, sort of a Viking sendoff. Mike quickly showed us why causing huge bonfires in small, enclosed passageways is a bad idea. I'm not sure Mike is DM'ing spellcasting correctly, but I must say it's very fun under his rules. That, and I don't know the proper way to run them. And it's official, my set of 3.0 core rulebooks has been rendered unto writing surfaces. Too bad I can't afford the 3.5's right now. Maybe I'll just look for a cheap PHB at Black and Read or eBay.


  1. While the busy work dosen't sound fun, the D&D does! Let me know if they are ever planning on gaming on weekends


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