A Beginning and an End

Lots of exciting things happening! Yesterday contained both a beginning and an end for my life. The beginning came in the form of an interview for the Geek Squad at our local Best Buy. After school I rushed on over to the store to meet with the Geek Squad manager, Lam. He was pretty cool, and asked me a few technical questions. I was able to answer them pretty well, with only a few small hiccups. For instance, I didn't know what popular spyware scanners are available. I should have known, but I never use them. My machine stays fairly clean, as a rule. Either way, I held my ground on technical knowledge. He didn't say I was necessarily hired, but he mentioned that if there was no room in Geek Squad, he'd try and find another place in the store for me. I think Geek Squad would be fairly awesome, but I could live with just about anything in Best Buy. Considering I really really need a job. So I guess I may need a new hat in the near future.

The ending came with Jeremey moving out of the house. He's had a good stay here with Cameron and I, but in the past month or two he's really been a deadbeat. He's been behind on rent since the second month, and yet recently he's been buying a lot of expensive crap. He's acquired computer parts, a monitor, a DVD player with 5.1 surround sound, mood settings for his room like a fountain and a stupid little Mood Wave. And the list just goes on. Cameron and I finally got fed up when he said he wasn't going to help pay for groceries. Right there, we knew it was time to talk. That was Friday night, if I'm not mistaken. And to tell you how Jeremey took it, he bought Guitar Hero, one of the most expensive PS2 games available. And Monday he started packing up. By this morning, he has 3 things left in the house. And while I'm disappointed that this didn't work out for long as a living situation, I'm mostly glad to be rid of the frustration and tension around the house.

With Jeremey gone, we're going to have to find another room mate, and fast. Otherwise, Marcy can't keep charging us dirt-cheap rent.


  1. Do you need a geeky hat? Well your half-life hat is pretty darn geeky, but an even geekier one?

    And I think you'd really enjoy working at Best Buy. It'd be a job that you would have a lot of fun at, and get to use some of your mad skillz.

    And I'm happy for you! I'd move in if it was December, but it's not.

  2. And I want to babble nonsensiclly at you for a while! But you have a test on Friday...


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