Calculus and Snow

Test over, and thank god! I went to drastic measures today and stayed home from school so I could study. (Ironic, huh?) I think I did pretty well, and much better after studying. It feels like a good solid B-, but we'll see. So this midterm season comes to a close.

And the roads are horrendous tonight. It looked great when I went in for the test at 7PM, and at 8:30 the roads were slush. Worse actually, it was that powder that refuses to give you traction. But I'm sure it will be better by the weekend. I just hope it gives me an excuse to e-mail my TA for tomorrow's physics recitation and tell him the roads are too bad! Night!


  1. Yay! Round one of midterms are over! Huzzah! So wait did you drive in? Becuase I could've sworn the busses didn't run that late.

    Don't you just love Colorado weather? 60 one day, then within two days you've got 8in of snow. But it's bright and sunny out, so maybe it'll all be gone by Friday afternoon.

  2. Tuesday I drove and parked at a lot on campus. Wednesday night I parked at the Broomfield Park and Ride and took the bus to the final, then Ashley drove me from Boulder back to the Park and Ride. She wasn't going to let me drive the Civic from Boulder! I would've anyway.

    And the bus from Broomfield to Boulder and back does run that late, just not the one from my neighborhood to the Park and Ride.


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