Veteran's 4-day

It's been a quiet week for the most part. Monday they worked out the kinks in the no-marching scheme. Basically, we just form up on one side of the street, march over with road guards, and fall out on the other side to go our merry way. Most people agreed that this was even less efficient than the old system, but as we get used to marching ourselves, it's getting better. One really new feature is that a student guides the formation, not a drill sergeant. That gives us a chance to call cadence if we want to. Very cool.

We tested out of TACSAT Monday, and now we're on to Mobile Subscriber Equipment, MSE. It's a huge telephone system that can even be integrated into civilian lines, so if we have access to one of these systems in the field, we can call home on downtime! Not that we're supposed to... Setting up the radios is really easy, so it's not going to be a hard test tomorrow.

The 4-day weekend has been relatively quiet. There were quite a few people who went home since airline tickets are cheaper than Thanksgiving. I stayed at the barracks as usual. Friday was spent mostly trying to fix my CD player that I dropped; I managed to get it working again, but I'm going to have to be careful when I change CDs. My internet's been on-and-off all weekend. Sunday we even had to call the tech support line and inform them that they had a Hot-Spot on Ft. Gordon. Oh well, I guess I can't expect service like back home. Here's to another quiet 4-day work week.


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