Last Schoolhouse Class

Another quiet week. Tuesday we tested out of MSE, and Wednesday and Thursday was EPLRS class. We learned about the Army's position tracking radios that report the position of units and vehicles back to the commander. You can also get navagation information and send text messages to anybody on the battlefield. Very cool. EPLRS was so short that there wasn't even a written test. In the lesson plan EPLRS is just the first section of the last class, but most people consider them separate because they're in 2 different classrooms.

So Friday we started FBCB2, the very last class in the schoolhouse. This system is a mini computer that sits in vehicles and command tents that shows a map of the battlefield and everyone on it, with different levels of information. The system itself is very new, it was developed in the mid 90's and used in the assault on Baghdad. It incorporates all of the radio systems that we've learned about for the past 6 weeks, so it's sort of a capstone project. Our schedule is so broken up by the surrounding holidays that it will cover 3 weeks, but it's only 8 days in the classroom. Then we're out and into the field in SIB.

Once again, a boring weekend, just the way I like them. Yesterday I attempted to make a short video about life here, but I had CQ duty 5-7 PM, so that sort of broke up the day inconveniently. Today I went to mass for the first time in a while, and now I'm just sitting sipping a Starbucks mocha that's not really from Starbucks. The local coffee shop just brews Starbucks coffee. I'm not sure what all is going to happen today, besides the usual recall formation at 6:30. I'll find out when I get that far.

Four weeks left! Guess I'd better think about Christmas, even if it doesn't feel like a Colorado Christmas.


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