See you in 6 months!

Well, I think that's about it. All of my preparations for Basic Training are complete. Everything's been packed, put away, internet and phone scheduled to go on hold, and all of the paperwork prepared. I think I'm taking about double the items on the standard packing list, but that's ok. I'll just have to see what they let me keep.

I still have today to enjoy. I think Ashley and I are supposed to have our own long goodbye, then probably hang with the crew and my dad before heading to bed at about 8 PM. I leave for Denver MEPS at 0445 tomorrow, so it'll be an early start. After that, I get another weigh-in, read over my contract, swear in once more, and head for DIA and off to Ft. Jackson. Then, I have no idea what to expect!

After today, I'll be sending updates to my sister Jeannie, and she'll post whenever she gets a chance. Expect entries to be back-dated. Thanks a lot for helping me, Jeannie! Love you always, sis!

Thanks for all of your support, I love you all! I couldn't do this without so many wonderful people to back me up. Well everybody, pain and opportunity await!

1 day left


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