School's Out!

... For- eva! Oh wait, wrong song. Anyway, yeah, I'm done. Sweet freedom! That's one year and 25 credit hours down. I think my grades will be good; I've already checked my computer class, that's an A. I'm expecting an A in Econ and a B in Calc, but those are both in the air.

So yeah, just lazing about the house so far. I found a weight bench on eBay and managed to talk the seller down, but I'm still waiting to pick that up. Hopefully I can work on my arms a little before I leave, and I'm sure I'll enjoy having it when I get home. PT in general is getting better, slowly but surely. I'll definitely be able to get in, although I don't think I'll be able to get a promotion before I leave. So much for that.

Oh, and I finally got my hard copy of OotS! W00t!

I've started packing what I can and getting my room ready. I don't know if my cousin Sean will be getting back while I'm in training, so I need the room to appear empty enough that he can use stuff. Extra shelf space and the like. Besides, moving furniture around and vacuuming under it is so much fun!

Ashley is getting stressed out, it's pretty bad. We've talked about it, and there's nothing much that I can do except tell her I'm coming back. (Let's just put this out there: she has fear of abandonment issues. She'll only get over it when I come back.) We still don't know about her diploma, it's getting down to the line and she still has a lot to do. She also has mental blocks to getting her diploma, but I keep telling her that waiting another year isn't going to solve those problems. We'll see, we both have more free time now. More time for her to work, more time for me to police.

21 days left


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