Travel Plans

I got some... sad news, and I don't know if I want to tell Ashley now or sort of sneak it in as a stunning revelation later.

I looked a little more closely at the dates the Army set down for Basic and AIT. I ship to Ft. Jackson on 31 May, but I don't actually start Basic until 10 June. Basic is supposed to be 9 weeks; if it's exactly 9 weeks, I'll be done 12 August. After that, AIT is slated to start 15 August. That leaves me Saturday and Sunday, assuming I can leave the 12th and travel back to Ft. Gordon GA on the 15th.

Not only that, but if AIT lasts exactly 18 weeks like its supposed to, it'll be over 19 December. I don't know, but I hear the Army is notorious for pushing back travel until after major holidays.

I don't know if I want to tell Ashley now or not. I'd rather be told immediately so I could plan accordingly, but knowing Ashley she'll get emotional and fret and worry no matter when I tell her, so perhaps its better to tell her later and give her less time to worry. Any suggestions?

I guess I'm lucky nothing's set in stone yet, but it sure would be nice to know what the Army has planned for me.


  1. That's more than 5 months DAMMIT!!!

    I'm assuming your math is right since I don't feel like checking it myself.

    I'd say tell her now, she needs to hear it. She'll be mad at you and will worry, but she'll be happier that you have a longer training than you getting shipped off to Iraq.

    Oh and if you want it, I can give you my parent's phone number if you ever need anything. But I just looked at where Ft. Gordon is, and that's about 4 hours from my parent's house.


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