Second drill weekend

From journal entry:

2nd drill weekend. Most of the unit is going to Ft. Carson for weapons qualification, but us DEP soldiers got left behind. There's a new guy, Pvt. Dixit. I think he's from India. On Friday we actually kept relatively busy for a change; Sgt. Vidmar had us cleaning closets as usual. When we finished too early, he had us start on one of the storage cages. It had a whole bunch of shelving parts in it. Vaughn, Whittier, Dixit and I moved those out, again quicker than expected. Last part of the day we moved a safe.

Saturday, we started building shelves in an empty storage cage. We were joined by Pvt. Faith and a female specialist, an MP who's transferring to a different unit on Fitzsimons. After that, lots of waiting. Sgt. Pursley and Sgt. Faughn helped me with my DEP checklist. I found out 1SG Rusher retired, and Sgt. Vidmar is assuming the post next drill. Damn! I really liked Rusher; Vidmar, not as much.

Sunday was really boring. Pvt. Hollmann and I quizzed each other. When the main body of the unit got back, we helped them unload. We put covers on kevlar helmets, inventoried TA50 sacks, and put them on the new shelves. We did some marching, and each of the DEP privates took a turn at leading drill. Boring.


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