Allergy Season Ho!

I've been sneezing my head off the last couple of days. It wouldn't be so bad if my body would actually decide to sneeze every time!

Everything's been pretty normal lately. I had drill this past weekend, which was fun as always. We moved some shelving, built some shelving, packed field bags, put covers on kevlar helmets. Nothing too horrible. On some of our downtime, I was able to get Sgt. Pursley and Sgt. Faughn to sign off on my DEP checklist. If I can learn all of the skills on the checklist and get them signed off before I ship to basic, I can get an automatic promotion. At this point, that just means I earn more money. I doubt if basic will be any easier because of it. The only skills on the checklist I may not be able to complete before basic are the physical fitness tests: 42 pushups in 2 minutes, 53 full sit-ups in 2 minutes, and 2 miles in under 15:54. I can't complete any of those right now.

School's normal. I think everyone got spring fever right about Monday, because nobody's been able to focus. Just 3 weeks left.

41 days until I ship.


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