Cut Slack

Well, today was the last midterm exam in linear algebra, and I realized a couple of hours prior that I really haven't been studying. I've had so much going on that I have not been keeping up with the homework in class, and even been missing class frequently. It all came back to haunt me this afternoon, and staring at the review sheet for the first time, I realized I had a serious problem. There's no way around it now. I just have to cut slack and focus on my other classes instead of wasting time flailing in linear algebra. It's not incredibly difficult, but it just fell to the back burner in my mind. I just have to accept the losses and move forward. On the bright side, I can relax a bit.

My writing group has finished our final report, so there's little work left to do in that class. In Principles of Programming Languages, we have two of our normal homeworks which are not unbearable. And in Operating Systems, I have one homework and one programming project left. And of course, finals in PL and OS. That's really it. Oh lord, just help me get through to the end of Saturday. Here comes the bride...


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