Great Success!
Mom considered driving home Sunday, but the weather forecasts forced us to rethink. While we were talking Sunday night, we cooked up a brilliant scheme. Monday morning I took the day off of my internship, and Mom, Ashley and I drove to a department store and found... "the one." The department store had full, decent-quality suits at a good price and on sale. Ashley managed an amazing piece of sale shopping that made the total cost of buying suits, shirts and ties comparable to renting tuxedos. And considering the fact that most of my groomsmen and I are all at an age where we could use business suits, we all thought this was a perfect solution. After considering our options, we decided to buy everybody's suits all at once. Now when our groomsmen are ready, they can buy the suit from us, take it back to the store and exchange pieces for the correct sizes. On the other hand, I had a heart attack from the sticker shock. Even though we saved over 50% from all of the sale pricing and discounts, we still paid $1200! My mother said to consider it my wedding gift. I'll say, that's a heck of a gift. Thanks mom!
Now that it's done, it's really a relief. We have the suits picked, and they're all purchased. All we have to do is distribute them and make sure they get fitted. What do Ashley's bridesmaids have to show?
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