Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Ethel's birthday party. and of course Ashley and I attended. As far as I know, this was Ethel's 91st birthday. Wow. It was the first party at Ashley's aunt and uncle's new house in Longmont, and the house is beautiful. Actually, it reminds me a bit of the house I lived in as a kid. Ethel was very energetic, and she was excited to have her family and a few presents. Another aunt brought a tres leches cake, which I had never eaten before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was really great to see Ashley's family again.

For the past couple of days, I've been rushing to finish a project for my Operating Systems class, and even though it was due last night, I didn't have much luck. I would be surprised if many people had much better luck, because it was a difficult assignment. I suspect that future projects will be less ambitious.


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