
Yesterday was Chris and Holly's wedding, and it was absolutely wonderful! Ashley and Jackie left the house early, about 10 AM, so they could go have their hair done. I lounged around a bit longer. Finally, at about 2:30, I drove to the event center. I met up with the girls. Most of them were already dressed and ready. I changed into my tux and helped Chris with his. Pictures started at about 4. At first we were missing the best man, Ed, but he arrived with impeccable timing. We took many pictures with just about every configuration of family members and bridal party members possible. During much of the process, Ashley took pictures with her new camera, and she got some excellent shots. After the bridal party was released so the photographer could continue family shots, we mostly sat around, complaining about the lack of a lunch meal.

As the evening waned and the photos wrapped up, guests started to arrive. After what seemed like an eternity, the ceremony began at about 7. Holly looked absolutely wonderful! It was fairly simple, with a general non-denominational order of rites. After the ceremony, we learned that Holly's dress was a convertable! She removed the shawl and train, the girls hitched up a layer in the back, and suddenly, the dress was a uniform floor length, ready for the party!

We re-emerged from the back room, and the reception began. First was a great buffet dinner, for which the bridal party, and especially the bride's maids, jumped directly in line. After everyone had eaten their fill, the DJ directed the guests through the cutting of the cake, the first dance, the father-bride dance, the mother-groom dance, and finally, the bridal party dance. Chris and Holly directed the DJ to break out The Time Warp! I've only seen Rocky Horror once before, and it was a little bit traumatizing, but the dance was fun.

The dancing lasted well into the night. I think it was about 10:30 when we finally started cleaning up the hall. Chris's "hot" cousin had the groom's men help with candestinely decorating the bridal carriage (Chris's station wagon) with window ink and tin cans on strings. After everything was mostly cleaned, Ashley and I left for home, and directly for bed.


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