Wardriving to the next level

Well, I think I've taken my wardriving to the next level. Currently, I'm in the middle of a bus run to DU, and I'm parked in the bus, nowhere close to anything on campus. (Actually right about here.) However, as I type, I'm connected to the infamous "linksys" wireless access point. Someone in one of the nearby houses did the typical home user thing, and just plugged in their router without setting up any security settings. So now, I'm not stuck trying to walk around south Denver trying to entertain myself. Thank you, linksys. How many people can say they've gone wardriving in a 20-ton bus?

In other news, the online music store that I've been using, URGE, has officially shut down, so now I'm stuck finding a new store. It's like PC Club all over again. So for the past couple of days, I've been trying out Rhapsody. My MP3 player, a Sansa e260, is designed to integrate with Rhapsody, and so far I'm impressed. Instead of the way I'm used to doing business, which is buying one track or album at a time, Rhapsody works best as a subscription service. For $15 a month, I have access to almost their entire catalog, including the ability to sync anything to my Sansa. In addition, they have "channels," which are basically dynamic play lists from a particular genre, which allows you to explore music similar to your current library without buying more music. (One of the main drawbacks of using an MP3 player, according to radio enthusiasts, is that you never introduce yourself to new music.) I'm still not convinced that the subscription is going to be easy to bend over and take, but we'll see how much I use these premium features. Features aside, I'm pretty pissed off at the music player program itself, which seems really unstable and buggy. It will stutter and freeze quite often. Maybe it's just a problem with my computer? Time will tell, since I just "acquired" Windows Vista for my desktop computer.


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