Thanksgiving in Colorado

Well, I was planning on leaving for Colorado on Wednesday, but the weather ruined that plan. Instead, I spent the day doing homework and getting some quality "me" time. Thursday, I went with Ashley to the Campbell's Thanksgiving celebration in Greely. There were quite a few relatives that even Ashley didn't know, but the food was great. I got a chance to talk with her grandfather, Bob, and he gave me a bit more of his vast knowledge on guns. It was fun. After the Campbell's, Ashley and I drove back and visted my grandma and aunt. They seem to be doing well. We also visited Ashley's grandmother, and she was thrilled to see me. I really need to visit people more often.

Saturday, Ashley needed to catch up with her work, and it was a gorgeous day, so I decided to get really ambitious and clean our garage and make room for a huge bucket freezer. It wasn't too bad, and just when I started to run out of steam, Ashley's mom and uncle showed up to help put everything in place. After that, we started taking down one of the trees in the front yard. Ashley's uncle was very confident that he could do the job, but after a couple of limbs dropped in odd ways, I wasn't so sure. One of them dropped on the roof of the garage, but there's no damage as far as I can tell. Another one, I had to jump back to keep my feet from being hit. Anyway, interesting time.

Today, I finished the rest of the garage cleaning, and got the freezer in place. The thing is a huge commercial bucket freezer, and maybe just maybe, Ashley and I will get to use it for this new food service that Kelly "recommended." (Actually, she just put our name on a referral list and never told us they'd call. Surprisingly, we're still considering it.)


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