
Getting sleepy, but I had to inform everyone that I start at Transportation Services on Monday. Cool, huh? Oh yeah, and my car died at school, so now I have to get up early and acutally take the bus.

And I had a brilliant idea, and now I have to find/make web badges for CU, if not a couple of other schools. Woo! Go me and my little fads. G'night everyone, gotta get up early and run in the morning.


  1. Pleeeeeeeeeease make me one! And good for you on the transportaion services.

  2. And when the hell did you get a paid LJ account? Don't tell me that I have somehow missed this for several months.

  3. Only since like, the middle of June. I wasn't able to put an image link to MilBlogs in my sidebar without creating a custom theme, which is a paid-only feature. So I just broke down.

  4. And now you know how long I have had no brain.

  5. And what do you mean by your car died? Battery problems again? Suddenly stopped running in the middle of the street?

  6. Sheesh, I write a long post I get no comments, I write a short one I get tons! I should start writing short updates, I guess.

    After my classes I went to the parking lot to get it out of the expensive but convenient lot. I went to start it, and the "Run" position worked fine, the radio and the fan started. But the "Start" position did absolutely nothing. This has been happening for a couple of weeks, and if you just hold the key the started goes after a few seconds. It didn't this time. So I called our insurance (they have a free pseudo-AAA service) and had the car towed to Cooper's Auto, and then went about my day in Boulder on the busses.

  7. Ah, so more starting problems.

    And on the comment thing, you don't provide all your information in one little short post, I have to ask about everything else.


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