Busy Weekend

So this weekend turned out to be very entertaining, and busy. Saturday we all collected at 6 AM so that the girls could go down to Broomfield Days early and set up some booths. I joined them at about 9. The parade was nice as always. Broomfield High School has a marching band again, so we were happy. They're fairly large, and sounded good. Legacy's band was enormous and sounded great. How do they do it? We had a little rain throughout the day, and usually took shelter under the Thompson's Fine Art booth, where Kristen was working. We went to see the dog show, and Jackie became an impromptu judge! Around 4, the wind started to get pretty strong, so we helped dismantle the Thompson's booth with the brother of the artist, Bill Thompson. The wind ended up very strong, and I'm sure we had gusts over 100 MPH at times. Bill paid Kristen in a little cash, and everyone in art. So now I have a colored, matted Dan Thompson sketch of a dragon/Humvee creature, running over Islamic extremists. Very cool.

Sunday Ashley, Jackie and myself decided to take a field trip. Ashley has never seen Red Rocks before today, so it seemed like a nice little trip. We went and wondered around, and the girls were only lagging behind by a little bit. :D Afterward we drove across the street to Dinosaur Ridge and walked along the exhibits and took photos for a while. We stopped in at the gift shop, and Jackie and Ashley each got a plastic stegosaurus and t-rex. (Quotes from Firefly ensue.) A weekend to remember!


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoQ06SdIQs&NR

    Video bit. "I think we shall call it your grave! Now die!"


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