So, last week started my new routine for the next 8 weeks. Calculus is going to be very good this time, I think. My new teacher seems very good. I've been keeping up with the homework religiously, which is what I should've been doing all along. The class is a whole lot smaller, only 40 people, very manageable for a professor and 2 TA's. Also, Jackie pointed out one the good aspects of summer semester classes; they meet every day, so there's less time to get distracted. That's been true so far, and it's one I hadn't really thought about. True they're a bit harder because they're compressed, but I think there's a lot of factors that balance it out. We'll see, I just need to keep up. Also thru the week, I've been doing PT with a guy from my unit, Sgt. Hoos. We both need the training, and he thought it would be better to train together. We're meeting at the Longmont High School track. It's a long ways, but he lives in Loveland, so it...