PT Test

Well, this weekend was drill, yet again. At least this time we stayed at Fitzsimons so we could go home in the evening. Saturday morning, we had a physical fitness test. That didn't go so well. See, since I got home in December, I think I've gone for runs a total of three times. I haven't done a single push-up or sit-up. So when we started the test, it was a real shock to my system. I failed all 3 events, and I came in overweight. You can't say I didn't exert myself during the test; at the end of the running track I spewed the water and yogurt I'd eaten that morning. The whole ordeal was a bit embarrassing. I'm really gonna have to start working out. The PT test lasted all morning. That afternoon, we mostly sat around looking for things to do. I volunteered to carry the guidon for Sunday's change of command ceremony, so I spent a little time learning that with Vaughn and Faith.

Sunday morning we set up and performed the change of command for Col. Evenson. Our new commander is Col. Smith, so we'll see what he's like in the months to come. I didn't get to carry the 244th guidon after all, the commander brought along a SGT to carry it for the unit. That's fine as well, the guidons had to stand at attention for a long section while the rest of us were at parade rest, much more comfortable. For the afternoon, a lot of the junior enlisted people were asked to volunteer to prepare classes for next drill. I have the distinction of presenting "Move as a Member of a Fire Team" and "Move Under Direct Fire" in the classroom next drill. I got counseled for failing the PT test and being overweight, but Sgt. Lindsey was very kind about it. We talked about what happened, and he even offered to train with me after drills. That can't be my only time working out since drill is once a month, but it's the gesture that counts. Sgt. Lindsey's not going to be with our unit much longer, he's transferring to Ft. Bliss soon. I think I'll miss him as an NCOIC (Non-commissioned-officer in Charge, in other words my direct supervisor).


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