Grade Reports

Finals last week went about as I expected. I took my Data Structures exam on Monday, and did a fine job. I only needed 20% to guarantee an A in the class, so I wasn't concerned. Physics on Wednesday afternoon was a little more tense. I thought I needed to do pretty well, at least an 85%, to get a C in the class. Well, my scores are all in today, and I can happily say I got my desired grade in both of those classes! I only got a 71% on Physics, but I ended up with a C anyway after dropped homeworks. It must've been by the skin of my teeth and a good healthy curve that I passed, but a C is what's going on the transcript. That's all that matters. Of course I didn't pass Calculus 2, but I've known that for a month. Overall, I don't want to repeat this semester's performance. Time to revamp my study skills.

So this revelation of course will jumble my summer and fall schedules a bit. I was planning on re-taking Physics over the summer, but that's no longer nessicary. I can either leave the summer open, or retake Calculus instead, assuming there's still room in the summer section. That would free up my fall schedule, since I'm registered for 17 credit hours. On the other hand, the only reason I'm registered for that much is because I don't expect to get into Arabic. I'm #9 on the waitlist, in a class of 24 seats. Yeah, that's not good odds. I'll give it a think, I'm sure you'll all hear about it when things are set in concrete.

That also leaves room to look for a summer job, but right now I'm still holding out hope that Assad will help me redo my resume and get a nice little internship. I'll keep trying for it, but sooner or later I'm gonna have to break down and get a job.


  1. Yay! Yay for a C when you wern't expecting it! Yay! Yay for getting a summer job! Those are really fun.


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