Metric Ass-Tonne

Just now, the residents of Alcott have defined a new unit of measurement: the Metric Ass-Tonne. As in we have a metric ass-tonne of free food from FISH food assistance services. Ashley's grandmother is good friends with someone involved with FISH, and so we get prime selection of food the grocery stores get rid of. We have so many canned foods that the cans are dented, and barely-expired products, and cake mixes with superficial dents in the boxes. Granted, some of it really is bad, but we have about 12 apple crates of food, and i'm willing to bet 2/3 of it is good. Oh, and can you say a gross of free eggs? That's what I'm talking about.


  1. That's at least two metric ass tonnes of food. Maybe even more. No more grocery shopping for a while!


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