Phase 5 is mine! Mine!

Yes, its true. I passed my EOC Thrusday, and Friday afternoon they gave me that laminated yellow piece of paper that means so much! Fewer formations. Later curfews. Civilian clothes. Access to the mall and Wal-Mart, and to tattoo parlors and hotel rooms. And possibly best of all, no more wearing that stupid pistol belt with my canteen and poncho. AIT is starting to feel a lot more like freedom.

The week was pretty good overall. We were in Routers class, and of course I have a certification with routers, so I basically knew the insides and outsides of the class. A couple of exciting points were Wednesday when the drill sergeants put out a new policy letter that bans TV's, laptops, non-handheld game consoles, and possibly portable DVD players. In short, some of the most prized possessions that we IET students have. However, the DS's didn't push the issue, so I'm not going to turn in my laptop until they come looking for it. Another point of interest was the PT test, which I passed with a decent margin. I suprised myself on my push-ups, which I had failed by a pretty wide margin last time. On the other hand, the sergeant grading me wasn't as strict as last time either; I probably wasn't going low enough this last time, but she counted anyway. That's fine by me!


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