Happy Columbus Day!

I've gotta say, it was a good weekend. We had a decent week in class, we learned about the military's field computers, some of the first Army-specific training we've had so far. Once again, I came out on top of the test scores.

But this weekend was, in a word, off the chain. I spent plenty o' time at the IET Rec Center doing nothing particular on the internet. I spent a day off-base, a little time at the mall, and a lot of time at the tattoo parlor while my battles got their ink done. If I can figure out how to send images from my phone to e-mail, I'll have to post them. I'm thinking next weekend I'll get a tattoo as well, a picture of Ashley's rosary. It's a good tattoo because it's obviously religious, but it also ties into Ashley without getting her name. I'd love to get her name, but my common sense says it's a bad idea.

I got really homesick over the weekend, and it all started with the weather. It rained cats and dogs on Friday. It would've been flash flood-worthy in Colorado, but out here its apparently normal. And it's been overcast all weekend, but hot and muggy. At least if it's overcast, it could be cold and dry like I'm used to. That, and I got to the "snogging" section of Harry Potter #6. That makes me homesick too, for different reasons.


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