Army Idol
There's really not much happening right now. We're thru with our second week of SINCGARS, and we're actually playing with the radios now. It's fun figuring out how to do everything, since I've never worked with this equipment. Thursday morning I went to the dental clinic for my mandatory exam, and everything checked out, so I'm good to leave as far as they're concerned. That's one of the major reasons people get "held over," or kept from moving on after school. They go for their dental at the last minute and find out they have major work to have done. Mine is out of the way, and I'm one step closer to home.
Today I got "volunteered" for attending the Army Idol show, a military spin off of American Idol. I wasn't really excited at first, but then I thought about all of the great talent I might see. Turns out, we only saw the award-giving and the victory solo. What a rip off.
We're all itching for Phase V+. It's the last phase, and it grants overnight passes on the weekend (we don't have to come back to sleep), walking around post without a battle buddy, moving into a different barracks with no drill sergeants, and more leniency in general. We're supposed to get it the 30th, but everyone's waiting to see if they phase us early. We'll see!
Today I got "volunteered" for attending the Army Idol show, a military spin off of American Idol. I wasn't really excited at first, but then I thought about all of the great talent I might see. Turns out, we only saw the award-giving and the victory solo. What a rip off.
We're all itching for Phase V+. It's the last phase, and it grants overnight passes on the weekend (we don't have to come back to sleep), walking around post without a battle buddy, moving into a different barracks with no drill sergeants, and more leniency in general. We're supposed to get it the 30th, but everyone's waiting to see if they phase us early. We'll see!
Yay for more privalages for you! I hope that by now y'all have gotten your upgrade, and that Army Idol wasn't too horrible. And that you'll have a lot of fun with your new weekend passes, is that what you get to use to come home for Thanksgiving?