Back to School

The past couple of weeks have been relatively uneventful. I've been taking the diet a bit easier, what with Basic being 4 months off, but I really need to get back in the habit. The worst part so far has been trying to get back into working out. Now that I'm down near an acceptable weight, its time to start gaining actual muscle so I can actually lift myself over an obstacle. I'm glad I bought that 20-punch pass to the rec center when I did; being dead broke makes it hard to pay for a gym.

School started back up last Tuesday, and so far it's been pretty basic. Tuesday and Thrusday is Computer Science, which is C++ programming. The instructor seems very knowledgeable and experienced. One of his former jobs was building a program for one of the National Database Agencies. Most of the details are classified, so we don't get to know exactly what it was, but he says the program managed, arguably, one of the largest databases in the world at the time it was made.

Monday and Wednesday are going to be Macroeconomics and Calculus. Macro should be fun, and again the instructor seems very experienced. Thru 2 classes though, I've noticed he loves to go on tangents about related trivia, and really get into his examples. As for calculus, this teacher is very formal, very deliberate. For example, the math department at FRCC requires that calc students complete 3 Gateway Exams in order to go on to Calc 2. Instead of just explaining that if you never pass one of the Gateways the best you can earn is a D overall, she went thru and explained "If you have an A in the class and pass all 3 gateways, you will recieve an A. If you have an A but fail one gateway, you will have a D. If you have a B and pass all 3 gateways..." etc. etc. She'll be great for learning new concepts, but very tedious to listen to all day. The bright side is she never collects homework, only daily quizzes.

Well, time to go to calc. Hopefully they have the notes packet printed up by now; the bookstore didn't have them when I tried to pick them up. Happy Birthday, Dad!

Oh yeah, and PS, my car isn't working. I think I've had this problem before; the starter makes a sound, but the engine never sputters and turns over. Hope that doesn't mean repairs...


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