Busy Days at Pacific Warrior

Well, it's been a heck of a time so far here at Operation Pacific Warrior. Last week, I joined up with about half of the company to fly out to California. The NCOs introduced me to the USO for the first time, and the USO in Denver is exceptional! The flight to San Jose was uneventful, and we had a short wait until we caught a bus down to Camp Roberts. In the grand scheme of the exercise, Camp Roberts is "Kuwait," the in-processing station, and Fort Hunter Liggett is "Iraq," the operational area.

Camp Roberts itself is not much to look at. Yes, it was a huge training base during WWII, but I'm sure it hasn't been updated since 1945. Half of the camp is in complete shambles, unsafe and unfit for habitation. The other half has plastic siding installed. (Detect any sarcasm?) It's an enormous dust bowl, and miserably hot. I'm thankful we only stayed three days.

On Friday the 8th, we bussed back up to Fort Hunter Liggett. Immediately I could see that it was a huge improvement. Green, tended lawns. Bays with decent lockers and air conditioning. There's even a pay-for-wireless network in all of the bays, so it's too bad didn't bring my laptop! The only drawback is no cell reception.

In the past week, I've been working hard most of the day up in the billeting office, our temporary base of operations. Most of our issues have been network access and printers. I've also been attending classes on everything from radio procedures to OE-254 antennas to MILES 2000 gear. Other than work, I've been trying to take advantage of the base's gym and pool.

Starting last Friday, we started moving into the tent city, in preparation for the actual combat simulation. Our job during the exercise is going to be running our own radios and computer network, as well as providing network connections for the other units in the Cantonment Forward Operating Base (FOB). The commo section is going to have our own tent, so we're using our resources to set up a "Morale, Welfare and Recreation" (MWR) tent. We're going to set up 3 or 4 computers for people to use the internet, a printer, and a projector screen for movies. We even brought popcorn and an air popper! For the last couple of days I was on day shift, but starting tonight I'll be on the night shift. Someone has to be in the tent 24 hours a day to guard the equipment. And with the exercise starting, if we hear blank gunfire or simulated mortars, we'll have to take appropriate action and turn out the lights and guard the doorway until the all-clear. Good times!


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