New Year's Resolutions

This year, I resolve to:
  • Pass my PT test. And this one's really going to happen. If I haven't passed the PT test by the end of the year, chances are I will be given a general discharge. I've taken a step toward passing today by joining a gym and hiring a personal trainer. With some hard work and new direction, I should be able to pass by February's drill, and certainly by March.
  • Pass all of my classes with acceptable grades. In Spring last year, I failed my Calculus class and had to take it again in the summer. This last Fall I passed Physics with a D. The saying goes, "D's get degrees," but I need to pass that class with at least a C in order to use it as a prerequisite. This year, I resolve to avoid that pitfall and slog through mind-numbing homework and useless recitations and get the grade.


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