Blizzard 2.0

Just as the first blizzard was melting away, we got reports of a second huge winter storm heading over the mountains. For a few days the weather-people predicted another huge blizzard, but conditions didn't pan out, and we only got a few more inches. Even so, the roads were in bad condition from the first storm, and another layer of powder did not help the driving conditions. Worrying about the weather caused me not to travel to New Mexico to spend New Year's with my family, so that was disappointing. However, I did get to spend it at Kristen's annual party with the usual suspects, plus some older friends that graduated with Kristen and Holly. We ate pizza and watched DVD's until 11:50, when we tuned into Dick Clark. Last night was actually more fun; we attempted to have a classic movies night. Ashley is scandalized to know that I haven't seen Gone With The Wind or Casablanca or My Fair Lady. We invited people over and even brought out the fruit and melted white chocolate, but by the time Kristen and Holly arrived, the girls were too entertained by Super Nanny, so we just ended up watching that and talking about Holly's book drafts and various other stuff.

This morning I had a few cavities filled, so my face was numb for the entire morning. Thursday I go back in for more. And I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer to help me with my run, to help me get back into Army shape. Apparently my trainer just got out, so he knows what I need to accomplish, and hopefully he can give me direction. Promotion to Specialist, here I come!


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