
It's the first snow of the season! Take a look outside at the Engineering Center! It's really coming down! I'm posting from school, and I'm still here because I have my second physics midterm in an hour.

For the most part, I've just been sticking to the new daily grind. School is usual, and I'm actually starting to think I was wrong about Algorithms class. It's not an evil math class, it was just the first couple of chapters that seemed so. My Arabic is progressing steadily, and physics is usual. Work at Transportation Services is still going well. I finally finished with the driver forms, and I'm on to other menial, time-consuming projects, like scanning and filing. I'll tell you though, we have one sexy print/copy/scan/fax machine. It could practically do my job for me if it were set up correctly, but I'm not about to tell them that.

Over the last weekend I went to drill at Fitzsimons, which was business as usual. We actually did some proactive work on getting the center more operational, such as looking at all of the computers that nobody ever uses and assume broken. It turns out there are some diamonds for machines in the rough. We're also preparing for the FTX and weapons qualification the first weekend of November. One exciting development, they were taking down sizes in preparation for ordering ACU's for the company! And we were all issued cold weather gear, including the nice high-speed Gore-Tex rain jackets. On Sunday morning, we had a company PT test, and yet again, I didn't pass. It was much better than last time, as I missed just one push-up, passed on sit-ups, and improved my run time by a minute and a half. I just need to keep up the good work and up the intensity!


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