Halloween Party

Sorry I haven't updated, it's been a busy week. There weren't too many interesting developments during the week, just school and work. Friday evening my dad came to town, so we went to a late lunch at Chili's. After dinner we both came back to my house, and not long after the girls started arriving. Even Kelly was down! It's been a long time since I've spent time with her, so that was a real treat. Saturday was the big day for the Halloween party the girls were planning. We started at the crack of 8:30 AM with cleaning, no scrubbing, the house. We had our white board in the kitchen filled with tasks, and not nearly enough time. Between the girls they had about 8 separate baking projects, plus tons of decorations waiting to be put up. I wasn't sure if everything would happen in time, but lo and behold, we worked fairly efficiently. All the while, we grumbled about how the party was Kristen's idea, and she was nowhere to be found. She was at work so her absence was only a minor concern. What we were really pissed about was the fact that we had no idea how many people to expect, since Kristen had suggested we not expect guests to RSVP.

While Ashley and Jackie were out running errands, I had a good chance to catch up with Kelly, and that was nice. By the time Ashley and Jackie arrived back at the house, we were ready to start on the big decoration project: putting black butcher paper over all of the walls in the living room and hallway. Time was getting short, so I grabbed a shower while the girls sponge-painted the walls with orange stars. It was about this time that we started panicking and throwing on our costumes. Our first wave of guests included Kristen, Pattie and James, Katie, and a couple of Katie's friends. Of all the things we hadn't been able to plan for, a pack of older adults and 10-year-olds was not on our list. We quickly got the kids settled watching the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Since the kids couldn't stay out late, they went home with their parents fairly early. We sat around relaxing and talking for a bit, and then all went out to greet Bear, Ashley's co-worker from Faire. We all had a good time watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. Strange-ass movie. Bear's alternate lines made it slightly more "bearable." (Oh my, that was a bad pun. I swear I wasn't trying for that!)


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