Wedding Bliss

Well, midterms are truly done now. CompSci went great, I got a 90 on the exam. I even got part of the no-points bonus question: "What are Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson, and Abraham Simpson's middle initial? J!"

Today I got all dressed up in my Class A's and drove two hours to Hugo to see Matt Blanski's wedding. We were roommates back at Ft. Gordon, so it was only natural that I should at least see his wedding. The ceremony was pretty small and very simple, but elegant. It sure got Ashley all misty-eyed. Sarah was beautiful, and Matt looked very good. The reception was about half a block away at the community center; Ashley and I had trouble finding a seat for the festivities, so eventually we were invited to the head table. It was a bit awkward at first, but we still enjoyed ourselves. Their dance together was The Frey's "Look After You," and it was very sweet. Matt has always been a nut for The Fray. They opened their gifts at the reception, and they happened to get three identical toasters. Unfortunately, one of them was from Ashley and me. That'll teach me to bring a toaster to a wedding. I made sure to include the gift receipt.


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