My study ethic seems to be diminishing as I go. A...

My study ethic seems to be diminishing as I go. At the beginning of the semester I promised to work to do as well as I could manage in my classes, even if it meant *gasp* doing homework every night! Oh the horror! Well, that started out okay, not quite up to standard but passable. A month ago I missed a couple of math homeworks and haven't really turned in any since. I'm still steadily doing my compsci and physics, but that's to be expected. Truth is, I'm really worried about passing this calc class. As in if I don't start working harder at it in the very near future, I won't be able to recover in time for it to make a difference. This is a terriby inconvenient time for a scholastic meltdown, considering it's midterm week. We'll see.


  1. Well don't worry too much. I mean it. Don't stress out about things that aren't salavagable. (My anatomy is still salavagabele, so :P)

    But if calc is still salavagable, you're only half way through the semester, so if you work on keeping up, it'll look good to your professors. If you're really concerned about it, talk to them and see if you can get some partial credit for turning in your homeworks late.

    And scholastic meltdowns always come at the most inconvient time possible. Well at least mine do. So don't worry too much, go do something relaxing, and then re-think about your classes.

    Also does CU have something resembling a 'W' drop date? Where you can withdraw from the class sometime rather late in the semester and have it show up on your transcript but with just a 'W' for 'withdrew' on it? Because if they do have that and the date hasn't passed yet, that's an option.


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