Midterms round 2

Well I survived the week. My midterms went pretty well considering all that's been going on; I took Physics on Tuesday night, and got an 84. Not bad! My calc exam on Wednesday night wasn't nearly as good, I scraped a 53. But temper this with the fact that the average was a 62. There should be a significant curve, so I'm not too worried just yet. I just need to keep studying at full steam!

I guess this round of midterms isn't actually over. Next week on Wednesday I have my Computer Science exam during class, but that should really be a breeze. Even if it goes badly, it's only worth as much as a project assignment. We have 8 total projects thru the semester, and I've already aced 5. It's not going to affect my grade much if I bomb it, and I suspect I'll still do well of it.

Here, play with this to see what I'll be covering in CompSci.


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