Ripping apart 80's dinosaurs

It's been a good week, in general. We had PC Maintenance class with Sgt. Pippin and Sgt. Zimmer. The class material was easy enough, since ripping apart computers is a pastime for me. I should've tested out of the class, but I really have no reason to try testing out. If I finish the schoolhouse portion early I still don't get to come home, I'll just end up cleaning around the barracks all day. Anyway, Sgt. Pippin describes himself as "the most motivated instructor in the schoolhouse." I believe that entirely. He usually has 2-3 pots of coffee in the morning before he gets to class. Not glasses, but pots. He has to hold his arms in front of him to keep them from shaking with all of his excess energy. He's a crazy mofo, I'm telling you. I wish I could video tape him to show you all at home, because he is great to see in action.

Other than that, life is pretty much settling in to AIT mode. I've been a little bit sick with a cold or flu or something, but it's been getting slowly better this week. Hope to post again soon!


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