Life After Basic (or why Sgt. Harr says "mothertrucker please")

Life is so much better here at AIT. Yeah, it still has it's annoying points, but it's not lockdown, thank you God! The drill sergeants here are human, they complain about having to pull duty and admit it when they make mistakes. We have a set schedule that we usually know about ahead of time. We have free time to move about as we please. We can walk to the PX and the on-post Burger King as long as we have a "battle buddy." And we get cell phones after the duty day! It's so nice to be able to call people! I probably mentioned most of that in the last post, but I'm finally feeling some of this freedom. It's frickin' great!

Class is our main deal being here, and so far so good. We've been thru a week in Basic Electronics, two days in Information Security, and just finished two weeks in Windows XP. For Security and Windows, we've had Sgt. Harr instructing us. He's a real laugh when he wants to be, and he likes to keep his classroom environment light. I really appreciate that, as it makes it easier to learn. Like Einstein said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education."

On free time though, I've found a way to unwind. I finally got my laptop from Mike, and when I get a chance I can bring it to the IET Rec Center. It's got an arcade, concession shop, phone card computers, and best of all a wireless hot spot. I can sit back and check out some of my internet business on my own computer. It's a little slice of home, only slower access and less fooling around with Ashley in between.

I'm already looking forward to my next set of privileges in Phase 5. We still have phases like Basic, and here at AIT everyone starts as a Phase 4. Phase 5 is going to have some definite perks, like civilian clothes and off-post privileges.That's right, I've been in some sort of uniform and on-base for the past 3 months. It's hard to believe, even for me. That said, I may not get my phase badge for a little bit longer than the rest of my class, since I failed my physical fitness PT test. There's another test coming up, so wish me luck pushing it out.


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