There and Back

Well, my trip to New Mexico could not have been better! I left Wednesday, experienced the usual long drive, and got there about 5 minutes before my sister and then my mom arrived. Talk about good timing!

I didn't do a whole lot on Thrusday or Friday, seeing as everyone was at school and work. Thursday night we had a great dinner at The Trinity Beverage Co, and Friday I had mom shave my head down to 1". I figure if I get my haircuts gradually shorter, it'll be less of a shock to Ashley and everyone else. Less of a shock to me even! According to Mike, maximim hair length at training is 1/2", so I've got at least 1 cut to go.

Most of Saturday was spent in Santa Fe shopping at a mall my family hadn't discovered. We went all over the place; my mom got a motorcycling jacket from my dad as a birthday present, and Jeannie got some books on drawing anime and bought a new set of computer speakers. My mom bought me a cheap chess strategy book and a pair of sunglasses that I sorely needed. We ate lunch at a little resturaunt called Maria's, and they had some of the best green chili stew I've ever inhaled.

Overall, the long weekend was nice, at it was great to see everyone. I didn't see Zach very much, but I did get to meet his girlfriend Natalie. Jeannie kicked my butt with some ROTC workouts that I'm sure will be very similar to those at my own boot camp.

Harry Potter was a little dull for the 10th time coming home, but when I got back Ashley suprised me with an easter basket! The basket was cleverly disguised as a brown paper bag, but it was fun all the same. I got a sunglasses holder for my car, a little bit of cash from Ethel, a bit of candy and a diet-size container of pecan puffs. But best of all, Ashley presented me with my finished rosary. I had bought the parts a couple weeks prior, and she had been busy over the last week wtih chilluns, but was able to finish it while I was gone. It looks beautiful, with sterling silver cross and centerpiece and black "cocoa beads." I'll try and post a picture soon.


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