New Mexico Prep

Today was going great for a while. I was helping Ashley at daycare, and I was doing good entertaining chilluns. I came home to work on my computers, and it went smoothly. As soon as I started prepping for New Mexico, I must have left my brain on the bed-side table.

My trip to the bank went well, except I'm further in debt than I had expected. Its still nothing major, but I'm gonna need to re-balance the ol' checkbook. After that, I went to Checker and tried to find a case of Quaker State, like I always use. They didn't have any cases of it, but rather than just lug the quarts individually, I decided to look for something different. I saw a tag for a relatively cheap case, but apparently I saw the wrong tag, since it ended up being about $5 a quart. Rather than bug the clerk, I just bought it, went to K-Mart, and bought the regular case of Quaker State. I guess I'll have to take the other case back tomorrow before I leave. I decided I was just too irritated to get my head shaved down today.

I also had an unusually difficult time changing my oil. I've gotten my procedure down pretty much pat, and its usually nice and clean and easy. Today went like the entire engine had been changed: I didn't know the drain plug bolt's size like I thought I did. I spilled oil all over the asphalt, and got my hands so dirty I had to wash my hands in the middle just to keep using them. I got about half a second from burning my hands searching for the plug in the drain pan. Overall, I was just extremely, unusually clumsy.

I know everyone has their days, but it still annoys me that this is happening. I sure hope the rest of the evening is better than the last 2 hours have been.


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