Sad News
Last night, things were going well. I was over at Ashley's with her, Jackie and Jeremey. We were having a generally good time, playing the new card game Jackie got me for my birthday. I got a call from Nancy, and she told me that she had been playing with Roscoe. He must've gotten spooked, because he flew off her shoulder and headlong into a mirror. He broke his neck and died instantly.

He'd been in the house for about a week, and he'd been in my room for about 3 days. He was really starting to warm up to me, we were getting to be buddies. I'm pretty sad. I know Nancy was pretty broken up about it, because he was a really sweet bird.
I buried him in Grandma's garden this morning. Call me a softie, but I chose to put him under the bush where the sparrows hang out in the spring, so he could be with them. Guess it doesn't take long to get attached, eh?
I'm thinking about whether or not to get another cockatiel. On the one hand, Roscoe was really friendly and fun to have around. I'd love to have another bird and get the chance (that I didn't have with Roscoe) to bond with them. On the other hand, cockatiels are really social birds, and get stressed out rather easily I hear. Being in and out for nearly 5 months during training wouldn't be good. Also, I have general plans to move out of Grandma's house within the next year or two, if circumstance allows. A lot of changes could be happening rapidly, and I'm just not sure any intelligent, social pet (a.k.a. any that I'd want) would be able to handle that. I'll think on it some.
He'd been in the house for about a week, and he'd been in my room for about 3 days. He was really starting to warm up to me, we were getting to be buddies. I'm pretty sad. I know Nancy was pretty broken up about it, because he was a really sweet bird.
I buried him in Grandma's garden this morning. Call me a softie, but I chose to put him under the bush where the sparrows hang out in the spring, so he could be with them. Guess it doesn't take long to get attached, eh?
I'm thinking about whether or not to get another cockatiel. On the one hand, Roscoe was really friendly and fun to have around. I'd love to have another bird and get the chance (that I didn't have with Roscoe) to bond with them. On the other hand, cockatiels are really social birds, and get stressed out rather easily I hear. Being in and out for nearly 5 months during training wouldn't be good. Also, I have general plans to move out of Grandma's house within the next year or two, if circumstance allows. A lot of changes could be happening rapidly, and I'm just not sure any intelligent, social pet (a.k.a. any that I'd want) would be able to handle that. I'll think on it some.
Awww.. Chris I am so sorry!! You should have probably had his wings clipped though.. and just showed him places to land.. and then you could have put him up to a mirror to let him know he can't pass! I've had birds bang into walls.. but they've survived. So.. I guess if you do get another bird.. get his wings clipped and train him ♥ -Amy