Yes indeed, and I'm excited! I'm still enjoying break by being as lazy and leisurely as possible. Last night, Mike, Bryan and I had a LAN party, but it kind of flopped when Mike took 4 hours installing all of his mods for Unreal Tournament 2004 on all 3 computers. Still, it was better than sitting around at home, and I had an excuse to stay up till 5 AM. Sweet! I guess the past few days hasn't been all fun. I've been bugging Ashley to clean her room ever since she got her fish tank, and she actually got a little bit motivated. Just at that moment, her grandmother decided that nothing should be in the front room since there were "only" 5 days until Christmas. We had it bagged up all nice and neat, so it wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to move them all. Oh well, that's life. After Christmas we may get more chance to do something with the room. As for the Army, I got a call from my dad's best friend, who gave me the advice that it may not be the bes...