Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy New Year! This year has been one to remember, for certain. I spent Christmas Eve last year in Iraq, being accepted into the Catholic church. Since then, I've seen another great friend get married while I was on leave, then came back home for good! I've furthered my education at CU, and scraped a 2.8 out of 4 GPA for this semester, my best grades at that school yet. I sadly said goodbye to Grandpa Doug, but have made many good friends in unexpected places.

Looking forward, the time is quickly approaching for me to decide my future with the Army Reserves. I go wildly back and forth, from "I can't possibly re-up," to "I must stay." There are compelling reasons on both sides of the argument. I have made one decision, though; if I do stay in the Army, I will eventually pursue becoming a Warrant Officer of the Signal Corps. This office is little known to many outside the military, but basically Warrant Officers of this type are technical experts. They don't normally have a place in the command-and-control structure, but act as technical advisers to commanders. That's the way I've always thought of myself; someone with technical skills, knowledge broad enough to see many solutions, deep enough to actually implement them, and (I hope) enough work ethic to get the job done. Going down that path would probably force me to change some of my perceptions and habits, but I truly think that it would be a good place for me.

As for the more short-term future, I'm headed back to class in a couple of weeks. I have 5 classes in the coming semester, one more than last. I'll have to see if I can keep up my streak of decent grades. The load is much the same; one math, one humanities, and 3 computer classes. However, the computer classes last semester were mostly theoretical. The classes next semester promise to be much more practical, which I think will be much more enjoyable. I also need to find another job. I'm gearing up to start the search again after New Year's Eve. Wish me luck!


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