It's finals season once again, and that means I'm ramping up my homework production. I have four papers and a project to turn in, plus two exams, over the course of the next few days. But the end is in sight!

If you've been able to follow my new Twitter account, you heard the good news that I was offered an internship with the Acxiom Corporation, and also the bad news that the project I was to work on was shut down, from what I can tell. So, I have a little more confidence that I'm somebody worth hiring, but I'm still back to unemployed. I'm pretty disappointed, because they offered me a better wage than they even advertised on the posting. They advertised $12-15/hr, and offered me $17.50, so apparently they were very interested in me.

Other than that, we're gearing up for Christmas and the holidays. Ashley has been selling her birdseed heating bags at craft sales and has done quite well. Hopefully tonight, well take a little time and put up the Christmas tree. I have no idea if I'll have time to get the outdoor lights on the house, but we'll see how motivated I feel after finals.


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