Home Stretch

We've been doing well, continuing to wrap up and get ready for our replacements. I'm told they're in Kuwait already. Hopefully we'll finish up the last of the trench today, and that will be the last of our big projects.

The remedial PT group has been working out diligently, but it's definitely not a hard workout. Maybe a couple days a week are really difficult, then after that we play volleyball and go to the pool. We have been running in the 5k races that are held on base. It seems there's a 5k every couple of weeks. I hadn't run in any until I was forced to do it, but they're actually kind of fun. I'm not out for any particular time, so I just run at a nice, easy pace, sweating with the people around me. I've been coming in at just over 31 minutes, so that's not bad, considering I don't enjoy running.

Speaking of sweating, the temperature is definitely rising out here. According to Weather Underground, the average high last week was 105° F. I can definitely feel the difference. All I can say is, thank god for air conditioning. I can't imagine what the first waves of troops out here did to survive.


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