Back to Business

I've been getting back to the grind again here in Iraq. Things around the office are pretty quiet; for most offices, it seems that if any major projects are left, they're either being finished now or being handed over to our replacements. In the coming months, we'll have to focus on packing our equipment and passing the torch. As one of the last big projects for our office, I was out with the guys finishing a trench for a new run of fiber optic cable. I was pretty well sunburned after only a couple of hours. I guess it's time to try and get a tan, if I want to get one. We do have an outdoor pool on base, but I haven't visited it yet.

Just before going on leave, I failed a PT test, so I've been working out every morning this week. It hasn't been horribly heavy, but I'm still sore, mostly because I'm out of practice. I thought about doing push-ups while I was home, and then I'd usually get a little comfier on the couch.

I've been putting more thought into my brilliant return to life, and to that end I've been doing a little job searching. Hopefully I can find an IT help desk job on campus; I have some good contacts that could help. Otherwise, it's back to bus driving. It was actually a really fun job, with great people. I'd go back in a heartbeat. Besides a job, I've also been looking into buying a new car. I have another sedan in mind to replace my 1989 Honda Civic. This time I might set my sights a bit higher with VW Jetta or Honda Accord. Of course, since Ashely's minivan has basically been pronounced deadlined, I may have to adjust my plans.


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