Fine Arts Major?

Well, not a bunch to report on since coming home. I've been working a lot, including more than a few "rain runs." They work like this: I come in and pre-trip the bus as usual, but I don't actually go anywhere until the coordinator of the cheer camp calls us. We're only needed if the camp needs to be moved indoors due to rain, and it's too early in the summer for many afternoon showers. Consequentially, I end up doing busywork, like cleaning out the classroom, inventorying bus equipment, or even just washing buses. Its not like it's hard work, and I still get paid my full rate, but still.

But the real news today is that I declared a major! I've been vying to transfer into the College of Engineering and Applied Science to become a Computer Science major since high school, but this spring I got caught. I earned more than 60 credit hours and was forced to declare a major, but I couldn't get into Engineering because of my GPA. A guy in the Department of Financial Aid said that I could declare a temporary major, and even made a suggestion on my choice. "I think you can even apply for Fine Arts online, they'll take just about anybody." Hehe. Can anybody see me as a Fine Arts major?

But rather than sink that low, I decided to first pursue Mathematics as a temporary home. This afternoon, I met with a Math adviser and explained my situation, she had me fill out one easy little form, and I was done! So now I'm a Math major for the time being!

In other news, Jackie is preparing to move to Georgia in a couple of weeks. It seems spur-of-the-moment, and I hope she's thought this through, but I have confidence that she'll find the change of scene motivating, if nothing else.


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